Welcome to Venray

A warm welcome to the Municipality of Venray. I wish you a good stay. You have already found work and housing. I hope this meets your expectations. Besides working and living well, I also wish you to spend your free time well. With relaxation, sports and recreation. There are plenty of opportunities in our municipality. And we have beautiful forests and the river Maas in the immediate vicinity.

In this information app you will find information to help you find your way around our municipality and the Netherlands. In this app you can read about laws, regulations, procedures and facilities. For many things you need the municipality. For example, you need to register as a resident of the municipality of Venray if you stay here longer than four months.

You also need the municipality for important events. For example when getting married, having children, applying for a passport and driving license. You also need the municipality for unpleasant matters, such as death and theft of documents.

I hope you will soon feel at home in our municipality. The information in this app will help you get started!

Alderman Wim de Schryver